Three countries join forces for the green transition in the construction sector
Press release from Luleå University of Technology
The transformation of society and the huge industrial investments in green value chains mean that the entire Arctic Scandinavian region will have extensive needs for sustainable industrial and social construction in the next 10 years.
“In order to strengthen the competitiveness of small and medium-sized construction companies, Sweden, Norway and Finland are now establishing a joint collaboration platform for sustainable construction in cold climates,” says Gabriel Sas, Professor and Head of Subject Structural Engineering at Luleå University of Technology.
Within Sustainable Arctic Construction and Built Environment in Arctic Climate, small and medium-sized companies will be able to obtain advice in business and product development, financing and export, find new collaboration partners and strengthen their competence in new materials, technologies and methods to build sustainably, attractively and cost-effective.
“Digitization, increased demands for sustainability, increased material costs and international competition for assignments are the reality for the construction industry, and in our region there are hundreds of competitive construction companies with a strong tradition of technical know-how and quality thinking that have good conditions for this. Through increased collaboration, we will strengthen the entire industry’s competitiveness and at the same time drive innovation and sustainability forward,” says project manager Anders Högström, LTU Business.
Together with business, the universities will conduct research to develop new solutions that can be directly used by industry. Examples of areas of innovation are tall wooden structures made of timber, bridge structures, digitization and methods for, for example, building and pouring concrete in winter climates.
“A lot of preparatory work has already been done, so already this spring we hope to be able to start with joint growth-creating investments with the actors together with the actors,” concludes Anders Högström.
Sustainable Arctic Construction and Built Environment in Arctic Climate (SCABEAC) is a three-year Interreg Aurora project that is financed in Sweden by the EU, Region Norrbotten, LTU and business. Behind the project are LTU Business, Luleå University of Technology, University of Tromsö, SINTEF Narvik, KUPA AS, Oulu University and Arctic Construction Cluster Finland.
Gabriel Sas, Professor and Head of Subject
Phone: +46 (0)920 493835
Email: ga*********@lt*.se
Organisation: Structural Engineering, Structural and Fire Engineering, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
Originally published on 31 January.
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