🇮🇸 Fourteen projects selected to the Investor Festival

By Arctic Business Journal February 28, 2023

Press release from Norðanátt

Fourteen projects have been selected to participate in the Investor Festival held by Norðanátt in Siglufjörður on March 29th.

This is the second time that Norðanátt organizes the event, but this year all parts of the country were invited to participate. Thirty projects from all over the country applied.

During this event the core focus relates to the so-called FEW-nexus or food energy, and the projects involved all touch on these priorities in one way or another. Applications were assessed on the basis of how well the projects fit into the focus of the festival and the investment opportunities of the project.

The projects that will take part in the Investor Festival Norðanáttar 2023 are:

Bambahús – From junk to snacks (VF)
Biopol – Ocean Gold (N)
EONE . – E1 combines all charging stations into one app for your electric car! (Whole country)
. – Central freeze-drying plant in Iceland that serves companies and produces freeze-dried products from Icelandic raw materials (S)
Gefn – Innovation in Green Chemistry (H)
GeoSilica Iceland – GeoSilica produces high quality minerals from Icelandic geothermal water using revolutionary production method (R)
GreenBytes – Reducing food waste and increasing profit in restaurants. (H)
Gold from Grass – Ensure Food and Food Security (N)
IceWind – wind turbines for extreme weather in the Arctic (H)
Kaja Organic – Vegetable milk factory (V)
Melta– Melta is a new closed-loop cycle service for rural organic household waste* and the production of Melta: fermented organic fertilizers (S)
Skógarplöntur. – Production of forest plants in a new way (N)
Vinland Vineyard – Viticulture, winery, restaurant and wine treatments Spa (S)
YGG – Yggdrasill Carbon develops high quality Icelandic certified carbon units from land use projects (A)

(N) North Iceland / (S) South / (H) Capital Region / (VF) Westfjords / (V) West Iceland / (R) Reykjanes / (A) East Iceland

Investor Festival Selection Committee
The selection committee included Sigurður Markússon, Head of Innovation at Landsvirkjun’s Business Development and Innovation Division, Melkorka Sigríður Magnúsdóttir, co-founder and owner of Iceland Innovation Week, Hreinn Þór Hauksson, Managing Director of Business and Product Development at Icelandic Securities, Ásta Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir, Managing Director of Icelandic Tourism Cluster, Sveinn Margeirsson, Managing Director of Innovation and Climate at Brimi and Kolfinna Kristínardóttir, Project Manager at KLAK – Icelandic Startups.

Norðanátt is a collaboration between EIMUR, SSNE, SSNV, RATA and Hraðið with support from the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate.

The sponsor of the 2023 Investor Festival is KPMG.

Originally published on 16 February.

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