🇳🇴 Completion Tracer has Been Established to Deliver Reservoir Inflow Information


Press release from Scale Protection

HARSTAD, NORWAY, 2 May 2023 – Since 2015 Scale Protection has delivered BSA™ from our laboratories in Harstad, Norway. BSA™ is a service used to monitor the amount and type of inorganic scale in wells and process plants, the performance of the preventive chemical treatment, and to assess if the chemical use can be optimized. In recent years, BSA™ has become an established service with oil companies in the UK, the USA, Canada, the Middle East and Angola, in addition to most of the Norwegian shelf.

Completion Tracer logo

In parallel, Scale Protection has developed our own portfolio of products for reservoir monitoring using inflow tracers, becoming a new challenger in this market. Reservoir inflow tracers are plastic rods placed in the lower well completion that contain tracer chemicals that are either released into the oil or water phase. By analyzing water and oil samples from the production, the tracers can be detected, identifying which zones are producing oil and water. Each reservoir zone’s contribution to the total well production rate can also be estimated.

In December 2022, Scale Protection was awarded our first reservoir inflow tracer contract by Equinor to be delivered the summer of 2023. Additionally, other customers in Canada and Norway have installed our inflow tracers.

To better separate these products from scale, and to make the reservoir inflow tracer offer clearer for the customers, Scale Protection has decided that the reservoir monitoring services shall be separated into a new company, Completion Tracer. This will be in effect from 2 May 2023.

“We look forward to honing both companies’ offerings and communication towards their respective professions within the oil companies. The market for inflow tracers has had a limited number of actors for a long time, and we see that there is a large interest in the arrival of a new reservoir monitoring vendor.

We believe the market will appreciate the increased competition within this segment as an effect of the establishment of Completion Tracer”, says Ole Magnar Drønen, CEO of Completion Tracer and Scale Protection.

 “With Completion Tracer’s in-house competency within reservoir, production, chemistry and wells together with the newly developed products – especially a new and more robust method to measure zonal contribution for the whole reservoir section – I am sure we will be well received by the market, and that we will have success both in existing and new markets”, continues Torger Skillingstad, Chairman in Completion Tracer and Scale Protection.

The flexibility to manufacture tracer polymers in any geometry allows Completion Tracer’s products to be deployed in numerous ways such as sand screens and tracer carriers. The expansive portfolio of tracers allows for a unique signature to be applied in each zone across all wells in a field. More details are found at https://completiontracer.com.

About Completion Tracer

Completion Tracer AS is a Norwegian oil service company that delivers tracers, so called “reservoir inflow tracers” for monitoring which parts of the well are producing oil, and which parts are producing water. Completion Tracer has a marketing and distribution agreement with Core Laboratories in North America.

Completion Tracer AS is a fully owned daughter company of Arctic Well Invest AS and a sister company of Scale Protection AS.

About Scale Protection

Scale Protection AS is a Norwegian oil service company that delivers well production optimization by cost effective scale and water monitoring. The primary product has until now been to monitor inorganic scale in the produced water. Our services are used by customers in Norway, the UK, the USA, Canada, Angola, Qatar, and Oman.

Scale Protection AS is a fully owned daughter company of Arctic Well Invest AS and a sister company of Completion Tracer AS.

Read more at https://www.scaleprotection.com.

For more information, contact:


Marius Stamnes – Vice President Sales & Services, Completion Tracer & Scale Protection

Tel: +47 901 80 064


Ole Magnar Drønen – CEO, Completion Tracer & Scale Protection

Tel.: +47 918 93 702


News Articles

https://energiwatch.no/nyheter/olje_gass/article15700277.ece (+) [NO]

Originally published on 2 May.

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