Yukon Innovation Week launches a week of events to Inspire Transformation from November 21 to 26, 2022


Press release from Yukonstruct

Yukonstruct, Yukon University Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Tech Yukon and Inspire Reconciliation Potential (IRP) are pleased to be the presenting partners for the third annual Yukon Innovation Week.

Yukon Innovation Week offers a platform for people to meet, make, and grow innovative and transformative ideas, as well as celebrate those who are leading positive change in the North. Our theme this year speaks to how innovators and entrepreneurs are driving transformative change that works to solve tough problems across all sectors of society, including agriculture, tourism, technology, healthcare, and more.

For the past two years, this event has mostly taken place online due to Covid-19 restrictions, however, this year the organizers are delighted to present a series of both online and in-person talks, workshops, and events centered around celebrating the Yukoners who are working to transform how we live, work, eat, and play in the territory. Events will be happening in Whitehorse, Carmacks, Mayo, Haines Junction, and Dawson City.

Key events include a Reverse pitch and kickoff networking event on Monday, November 21 at Yukonstruct from 3 pm to 5:30 pm, which will highlight Funders and Support Organizations pitching to entrepreneurs on how they can help grow their business or idea. On Thursday night, an awards ceremony will be hosted at the Yukon Transportation Museum to celebrate this year’s Hall of Innovators Award Recipients.

Throughout the week Tech Yukon is hosting a series of talks on technology and digital adoption, and the Yukon Entrepreneur Podcast will be releasing a series of interviews focused on the theme of Inspiring Transformation. This year, Yukon’s first Indigenous-led Social Innovation Lab was held to address the Toxic Drug Crisis. A talk on why this social lab model was employed, and how it could be leveraged to tackle complex issues will be held on Wednesday morning, November 23. You can find a full listing of events at www.yukoninnovationweek.com.

Yukon Innovation Week is made possible thanks to our funding partners and sponsors, including Future Skills Centre, CanNor, Yukon Government Department of Economic Development, Northern Vision Development, and Yukon Brewing.

“We are proud to be one of the presenting partners for the third annual Yukon Innovation Week. This year, we chose the theme Inspiring Transformation to highlight how innovation in the Yukon is what drives so much positive change, and really acts as a catalyst for what moves us forward across all sectors and industries. This week is a chance to really highlight and celebrate the entrepreneurs and innovators who take big risks to build a brighter future for the Yukon.”

– Lana Selbee, Executive Director, Yukonstruct


“Yukon has a vibrant community of innovators and entrepreneurs. It’s always great to be a part of events, like Yukon Innovation Week, that help build these communities and inspire others to become innovators. Technology plays an important role in innovation and entrepreneurship and we are excited to be hosting three events focused on e-commerce, data, and cybersecurity.”

– Ziad Sahid Executive Director Tech Yukon


“This year’s Inspiring Transformation focused Innovation Week is incredibly exciting as it truly tells the stories of what makes the Yukon such an inspirational and innovative place to live, work, and play. YukonU I&E is honoured to be a presenting partner.”

– Lauren Manekin Beille, Yukon University Department Head, Innovation & Entrepreneurship


“Innovation and transformation are going to be crucial in addressing the biggest issues of our time. We need to continue to grow these skills and apply them to our challenges. The best and most innovative solutions are the ones that are created in the North for the North.”

-Tosh Southwick and Davida Wood, IRP consulting

For further questions, please contact:

Kealy Sweet
Communications Director, Yukonstruct
(867) 457-0150

Originally published on 15 November

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