Finland and South Korea join forces in the 6GBRIDGE-6CORE project to develop advanced system architecture


Press release from 6G Flagship

A new collaborative research project targeting the development of an advanced 6G system architecture has been launched by the University of Oulu in Finland and the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in South Korea.

The collaboration is part of the 6G Bridge programme and funded by BusinessFinland and the South Korean Ministry of Science and ICT as separate yet complementary projects. It is a continuation of the collaboration between the University of Oulu and ETRI, building on an old and solid partnership spanning from a 5G project demonstrated at the 2018 Winter Olympics to an industrial wireless automation project with a final demonstration in early 2022. ETRI is the first international partner with whom 6G Flagship signed an MoU in 2018.

The 6GBridge-6CORE project aims to define a service-centric 6G system architecture, along with supporting mechanisms and algorithms that enable the autonomous management of the 6G system. In close collaboration with Korean partners (i.e., ETRI, SNU, and LG+), it will also develop joint experiments and trial activities based on selected Beyond 5G applications and use cases and address the autonomous lifecycle management of the deployed services, focusing on deterministic applications.

The project started in July 2021 and will last till June 2024. The endeavour marks a significant step forward in Finland’s beneficial collaboration with South Korea to advance wireless communication technology while constructing advanced next-generation systems and strengthening further national excellence in telecommunications research.

  • Collaborative research project between the University of Oulu in Finland and the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in South Korea.
  • Part of the 6G Flagship initiative and the 6G Bridge program, funded by BusinessFinland.
  • Aims to develop advanced 6G system architecture with a focus on adaptability and efficiency.
  • Three-year project: from January 2023 to December 2025


Professor Tarik Taleb, 6G Flagship, University of Oulu

Originally published on 30 January.

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