Prepare for ‘surprise’ as global warming stokes Arctic shifts – scientists

By Megan Rowling, Thomson Reuters Foundation - November 28, 2016

BARCELONA — Unless the world stops burning fossil fuels that are fueling global warming, irreversible changes in the Arctic could have disastrous effects for the people that live there and for the rest of the planet, researchers warned on Friday.

The Arctic‘s ecosystems are fundamentally threatened by climate change and other human activities, such as oil and gas extraction, they said in a report for the Arctic Council, an inter-governmental forum working to protect the region’s environment.

Caribou migrating in Gates of the Arctic National Park, April 2012. (Zak Richter / NPS)
Caribou migrating in Gates of the Arctic National Park, April 2012. (Zak Richter / NPS)

Arctic ecosystems are changing in dramatic ways: the ice is melting, sea levels are rising, coastal areas are eroding, permafrost is thawing, and the areas where plants and animals live are shifting,” said the report.

It identifies 19 “regime shifts” – meaning major, hard-to-predict tipping points – that have happened, or could occur, in the Arctic‘s land and water. They include a switch to sea-ice free summers and the collapse of various fish stocks.

Those shifts affect the stability of the climate and landscape, the ability of plant and animal species to survive, and indigenous peoples’ subsistence and ways of life, the report added.

The potential impacts of Arctic regime shifts on the rest of the world are “substantial,” such as influencing Asia’s monsoon, but poorly understood, it said.

“If multiple regime shifts reinforce each other, the results could be potentially catastrophic,” Johan Rockström, director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre and co-chair of the five-year study, said in a statement.

“The variety of effects that we could see means that Arctic people and policies must prepare for surprise. We also expect that some of those changes will destabilize the regional and global climate, with potentially major impacts.”

The Goilat platform is currently the only operational oilfield in the Norwegian sector of the Barents Sea. A new lawsuit seeks to block further oil and gas development in Norway's Arctic. (Thomas Nilsen / The Barents Observer)
The Goilat platform is currently the only operational oilfield in the Norwegian sector of the Barents Sea. (Thomas Nilsen / The Barents Observer)

Co-editor Marcus Carson of the Stockholm Environment Institute told the Thomson Reuters Foundation that in the past six to 12 months, he had heard a lot more “warning bells ringing about the Arctic and what spill-back effects it might have.”

This month, scientists have said temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius above the seasonal average are being registered over the Arctic Ocean, delaying the annual recovery of sea ice.

“Because the Arctic is so connected to the rest of the planet in terms of climate regulation … the change that we’re sending to the Arctic is likely to be amplified and come back to us,” Carson said.

Indigenous solutions

The report explores how communities in Arctic countries, from Finland to Russia and Canada, are dealing with the changes underway. Some are adapting far better than others, it found.

For example, the Inuit of Cape Dorset in Canada’s Nunavut territory have transformed themselves from nomadic hunters into internationally recognized artists based on their traditional crafts.

And in Iceland, reduced cod quotas and increases in whale populations after a hunting moratorium pushed Húsavík’s fishing community to turn itself into one of the country’s whale-watching hotspots.

At the top of the tallest mountains, the boreal forest or taiga, gives way to the tundra, relatively barren, grassy plains. It is the tundra that provides food for the reindeer (caribou) herds. The Taymir region is home to the largest wild reindeer herd on Earth, with an estimated one million animals. They migrate northward in the early spring, following the emerging plants, then return southward in the fall to overwinter in slightly warmer climates. Reindeer antlers are visible in the foreground and are scattered over the tundra. (NASA / Jon Ranson)
Russia’s Taymyr region is home to the largest wild reindeer herd on Earth, with an estimated one million animals. Reindeer antlers are visible in the foreground and are scattered over the tundra. (NASA / Jon Ranson)

But other places have not proved so resilient. In Sweden, Sámi reindeer herders have struggled to cope as it becomes harder to feed animals and move around due to shrinking ice, while other communities in Russia, Greenland and Alaska have run into problems with efforts to relocate.

The study highlights the importance of having the right laws and systems in place so Arctic communities can make collective decisions about how best to face up to climate change.

“Ultimately, realizing resilience in the Arctic will depend on empowering the people of the North to self-organize, define challenges in their own terms, and find their own solutions, knowing that they have the flexibility and external support to implement their plans,” the report concluded.