Luleå University of Technology tests 6G
Luleå As the first university in Sweden, Luleå University of Technology has been granted a spectrum licence by Post- och telestyrelsen (the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority).
It means that the University can test 6G technology in a simulated mine environment. The 6G network is currently being built up in the underground lab at Luleå University of Technology.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for our research on telecommunications. The 6G testing will become an integral part of our initiative on future communications technology, where our goal is groundbreaking outputs. 6G, the sixth generation of wireless technology, will be able to meet the needs of society in the 2030s”, says Michael Nilsson, project leader at the Centre for Distance-Spanning Technology at Luleå University of Technology.
Today, an open 5G test bed for innovations exists and is connected to the innovation net North Star run by Swedish operator Telia and telecom company Ericsson. The new spectrum licence enables the University to do research on 6G and actively participate in the development of the new generation mobile network, 6G.
The initial tests are conducted as part of the EU project SUNRISE 6G, in collaboration with University of Oulu in Finland.
Lennart Håkansson, North Sweden Business