LKAB and Statkraft collaborate on wind and hydrogen power

By Lennart Håkansson, North Sweden Business December 4, 2023
Jacob Norström
Jacob Norström, CEO of Statkraft Sweden (Photo: Statkraft)

Swedish state-owned mining company LKAB and Norwegian state-owned energy company Statkraft are collaborating on new energy production in northern Sweden. This involves new onshore wind power and hydrogen production.

The cooperation aims at onshore wind power as the main energy source, which will be combined with hydrogen production. The cooperation also covers the distribution of electricity and hydrogen. The arrangement means that Statkraft is responsible for wind power and LKAB for hydrogen.

“With the collaboration with Statkraft, LKAB is gaining another leading market player to enable the gradual transition and expansion we are planning. A powerful and competitive expansion of fossil-free electricity production in the north is crucial for us to be able to realize our strategy, strengthen the competitiveness of Swedish industry and meet the climate threat,” says Niklas Johansson, Director of Communication and Climate at LKAB.

Statkraft and LKAB have long collaborated on power deliveries. Now they want to collaborate on new energy production in Norrbotten. For Statkraft, it is about building renewable power generation and developing energy solutions for the future.

“The collaboration between Statkraft, Europe’s largest producer of renewable energy, and LKAB, which accounts for about 85% of the EU’s iron ore production, underlines the importance and need for new power generation in Sweden. With this, we demonstrate our ambition to achieve renewable energy production that constitutes an important contribution to a transition that is absolutely necessary for both the climate and to ensure Sweden’s competitiveness in the future,” says Jakob Norström, CEO of Statkraft Sweden.

Originally published in Swedish by Affärer i Norr.

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