🇸🇪 Copperstone granted land allocation in Luleå


Press release from Copperstone

Copperstone Resources AB (publ) today announces that Bergmästaren in Luleå has granted Copperstone Viscaria AB’s application for land allocation for the Viscaria project and allocated land in accordance with the company’s application. The land allocation is the last in a series of decisions from the Bergmästaren that are necessary for Copperstone to be able to start the planned mining operations.

Through the decision, the Bergmästaren designates the land that may be used for mining operations and determines the compensation to be paid to the affected landowners and rights holders for the designated land.

“The decision is an important milestone for us and means that we continue to keep a high pace in the preparations for the restart of the Viscaria mine,” said Henrik Ager, CEO of Copperstone.

On June 30, 2021, Copperstone applied for a land assignment procedure with the The Mining Inspectorate of Sweden (Bergsstaten) in favor of the processing concessions Viscaria K no. 3, Viscaria K no. 4 and Viscaria K no. 7 in the municipality of Kiruna, according to the provisions of ch. 9. the Minerals Act (1991:45). After an administrative meeting was held with land and property owners on May 25 this year, the Bergmästaren has decided to grant Copperstone land allocation.

To conduct mining operations, a permit according to the environmental code is also needed and the process for this progressing in parallel. On May 25, the Land and Environment Court in UmeÃ¥ district court announced that Copperstone’s environmental application is complete, and today the court’s decided timetable was published, which means that the main hearing is expected to take place in February 2024.

Copperstone’s documents in the matter are published on the company’s website under the tab TillstÃ¥ndsportalen https://copperstone.se/tillstandsportal/miljoansokan/