Canada and the Yukon invest in more reliable and efficient energy generation in Dawson City

By griffith August 13, 2021

DAWSON CITY, YT, Aug. 12, 2021 /CNW/ – Across the country, Canadians are feeling the impacts of COVID-19 on their families, livelihoods, and their way of life. Together, the governments of Canada and Yukon are working to ensure community infrastructure is safe and reliable for  families, businesses and communities, while looking ahead to see what more can be done in these unprecedented times.

Today, the Honourable Larry Bagnell, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages (Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency) and Member of Parliament for the Yukon; the Honourable Daniel Vandal, Federal Minister of Northern Affairs; the Honourable Richard Mostyn, Yukon Minister for Community Services; Jackie Olson, President of the Klondike Development Organization (KDO); and His Worship Wayne Potoroka, Mayor of Dawson City, announced joint funding for the construction of a solar power project in Dawson City.

The Government of Canada is investing $486,000 in this project through the Arctic Energy Fund, and $105,000 through the Northern REACHE Program, while the Government of Yukon is investing $71,500. The Klondike Development Organization is contributing $101,949 to this project and the City of Dawson $11,500.

Through this project, the Klondike Development Organization will construct a solar power project on the City’s former landfill. The project aims to offset the community’s carbon footprint through the production of renewable energy.

Once completed, this project is expected to generate 280MWh of energy each year in Dawson City and 91.6 tonnes of annual greenhouse gas emissions offsets, thereby reducing dependency on Dawson City’s back-up diesel generation plant.


“Access to reliable sources of energy is essential for northern communities to thrive. This new solar power project will provide a reliable and efficient source of energy for Dawson City and help tackle climate change. Canada’s Infrastructure plan invests in thousands of projects, creates good jobs across Canada, and builds cleaner, more inclusive communities.”

The Honourable Larry Bagnell, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages (Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency) and Member of Parliament for the Yukon

“The Government of Canada is proud to have supported the Klondike Development Organization in the planning phase of the Dome Road Solar Plant. The project will bring environmental, social and economic benefits to the people of Dawson City. Our shared goal is to have healthier, more sustainable and resilient communities in the North. This type of support empowers communities and their vision for a green future.”

The Honourable Daniel Vandal, P.C., M.P., Federal Minister of Northern Affairs

“It’s great to see renewable energy projects in all of our communities. These projects help the Yukon meet the goals set out in Our Clean Future while reducing the local reliance on fossil fuels, in turn making Dawson City more self-sufficient. I want to thank the Government of Canada, the Klondike Development Organization and the City of Dawson for making this project possible.”

The Honourable John Streicker, Yukon Minister responsible for the Yukon Development Corporation

“I am pleased that the City of Dawson and the Klondike Development Corporation are joining forces with this forward-looking project that will help reduce the use of fossil-fuel energy and create a greener community. The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Plan is helping First Nations governments, municipalities and communities address long-term infrastructure needs and the Government of Yukon is pleased to work in partnership with them to help improve the quality of life for Yukoners.”

The Honourable Richard Mostyn, Yukon Minister for Community Services

“The opportunity to take an otherwise unusable brownfield site and generate renewable electricity from our famous ‘midnight sun’ was irresistible. KDO is excited to be building this solar power project to support Dawson’s sustainability.”

Jackie Olson, President of the Klondike Development Organization

“The Klondike Development Organization, of which the town is a charter member, has steadily improved the lives of Klondikers and sought new, innovative ways to transform our community. This latest project is a significant step forward for our town as it increases local capacity for electrical-power supply and lessens our community’s carbon footprint. The City of Dawson is pleased to support this project with an economical municipal land lease and eager to see what opportunities arise from this development.”

His Worship Wayne Potoroka, Mayor of Dawson City

Quick facts

  • Through the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan, the Government of Canada is investing more than $180 billion over 12 years in public transit projects, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, trade and transportation routes, and Canada’s rural and northern communities.
  • $2 billion of this funding is supporting infrastructure projects that meet the unique needs of rural and northern communities like facilities to support food security, local access roads and enhanced broadband connectivity. In addition, $400 million is being delivered through the Arctic Energy Fund to advance energy security in the territories.
  • $4 billion in funding under the Plan is supporting infrastructure projects in Indigenous communities.
  • The Government of Canada has invested $957 million in 314 projects across the Yukon under the Investing in Canada Plan.

Associated links

Investing in Canada Plan Project Map:

Federal infrastructure investments in Yukon:

Investing in Canada: Canada’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan:

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