🇸🇪 25 million for sustainable infrastructure

April 17, 2023

Press release from Bodenxt

Vy över Svartbyn

The municipality of Boden has been granted more than SEK 25 million for the project “Sustainable mobility and accessibility to the new industrial area of Boden”. The project will create a safe, secure, sustainable and more equal commute to Boden Industrial Park as well as safer traffic environments for residents, businesses and outdoor life in the surrounding area.

The total sum of SEK 25 million is divided between SEK 14.2 million in co-financing from Region Norrbotten and just over SEK 11 million from ERDF, the European Regional Development Fund/Tillväxtverket. This is by far the largest external project funding that the municipality of Boden has ever received. It is also the first time since 2012 that the municipality has received ERDF funding for its own project.

The background is that the municipality of Boden has planned a 550 hectare industrial area, the Boden Industrial Park. The area is an important part of the green transition. Here, H2 Green Steel is preparing the world’s first large-scale green steel plant and Europe’s largest hydrogen plant. Nearby are areas with both natural values and more industrial ventures.

In the vicinity of Boden Industrial Park there are long-standing path systems and green areas that are important for local residents and the local business community. Green spaces are part of creating place attractiveness and support the municipality’s vision of the good life. The project will ensure access to important recreational areas with safe crossings and speed reduction measures.

Long-term sustainability

The funds received will also contribute to a long-term sustainable transport system that is accessible, efficient and equal. The project will also ensure the transition between different modes of transport such as train, bus, bicycle and walking. It aims to provide safe public transport and bus stops, electric bike charging stations, bike lanes and more to the new industrial area for commuting staff, external visitors and local residents. The traffic flow will increase significantly in the existing and future infrastructure of the Boden Industrial Park. Therefore, good foresight in creating a safe and accessible traffic environment is a must.

To achieve the objectives, the project will carry out the following activities:

  • Build a continuous cycle path to Boden Industrial Park from Resecentrum and between Södra Svartbyn and Norra Svartbyn via Fyragårdarshöjden.
  • Construction of electric bike charging points at the Travel Center.
  • Create a level crossing for unprotected road users and horses along Svedjebergsleden/road 605.
  • Construct bus stops with bike racks along road 605/Svedjebergsleden and Svartbyleden/Fyragårdarshöjden.
  • Extensive, ongoing and interactive communication with citizens and local residents, and the development of information and communication that influences individuals’ attitudes and behavior towards sustainable mobility and travel.
  • Actions to promote sustainable travel and gender equality. Examples include the development of safer public transport solutions, more bus stops and improved cycling opportunities.

– We are extremely happy and grateful for the funds provided by the Region and the European Regional Development Fund. It is a fantastic contribution to the ongoing social transformation here in Boden. The infrastructure project will ensure long-term sustainable and safe access to the Boden Industrial Park. The project is also an important part of the development of “Det Goda Livet”/”The good life”, in our nearby neighborhoods and has also been a clearly expressed need in our citizen dialogues. It is therefore particularly gratifying to be able to meet the needs of both the business community and the people of Boden in terms of sustainable transportation in one and the same project,” says Ellinor Isaksson Larsson, urban development strategist, Boden Municipality.

Photo Mats Engfors, Fotographic

Originally published on 17 April.

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