🇸🇪 Arctic Business Talks: Welcome to join us at LTU with Ny Tekniks 33-list!


Are you interested in entrepreneurship and startups?
Then you are warmly welcome to Arctic Business Talks and Ny Teknik’s prestigious 33-listan

During the afternoon, we will listen to Emil Svanberg, CEO Rocksigma and Ida Rehnström, COO Flasheye. Both companies were featured on last year’s 33 list. The conversation will be moderated by Ny Teknik’s Helena Wiktelius.

Additionally, we will have the opportunity to listen to Neil Costigan, former CEO of the successful startup BehavioSec. What has the journey been like, and what challenges, pitfalls, and successes have been encountered along the way?

Jens Lundström and Emma Hansson from Arctic Business and Johan Bergström from Luleå University of Technology  will tell you more about how we can assist you if you have a business idea you want to develop further. Pro-Vice Chancellor Pär Weihed welcomes and will be with us during the afternoon.


Please note, the majority of the program is in English!

Originally published on 28 March by Arctic Business Talks.

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