🇸🇪 Well attended consultation on Petön

Petön visionsbild entrétorg

About 40 people attended the consultation meeting on the proposed detailed plan for Petön, Sävastön. Land selection, road solutions and delineation of natural areas were some of the recurring issues.

A draft local plan for Petön on Sävastön in Boden allows for 310-410 new homes of various types. Sävastön is already one of several development areas in Boden municipality’s in-depth master plan for Boden and Sävast.

On February 7, the municipality of Boden invited to an open meeting at Boden Business Park, which is one of the places where the detailed plan is out for consultation. About ten employees from the municipality of Boden’s traffic, water and sewage, land and development and community planning units were present.

During the afternoon and evening, an estimated 40 people came to see the plans, ask questions, look at maps and express their views.

A recurring issue was the choice to use agricultural land for housing. The size of the area set aside as natural land between the existing Maran area and the new Petön was one of the issues discussed, and also the road issue. There were also positive comments that it will be an attractive place for housing, outdoor recreation and cultivation.

The detailed plan is out for consultation until February 22. As of January 25, the materials are on display at the Boden Business Park, the City Hall ground floor and the Boden City Library.

Comments on the draft plan must be submitted in writing to the municipality of Boden by February 22. More information can be found HERE.

Originally published on 13 February by BodenNXT.

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