🇮🇸 50 Women in Tech — atNorth CFO recognised


atNorth, the leading Nordic colocation, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence service provider, has announced today that its CFO & Deputy CEOEva Sóley Guðbjörnsdóttir has been included in TechRound’s 50 Women in Tech campaign that celebrates the female entrepreneurs changing the tech and startup landscape across the UK and Europe.

Eva’s many accomplishments stem from her diverse background as CFO of Icelandair and COO/CFO of Advania. Her shrewd business strategy has contributed significantly to the thriving nature and expeditious growth of atNorth. Indeed, atNorth’s headcount has tripled in recent years to over 100 people and the business has expanded from operating two Icelandic data centers, to running seven sites in four Nordic countries. atNorth also has three additional campuses under construction, one in Helsinki in Finland, one in Copenhagen in Denmark and one in Kouvola in Finland.

Her passion for supporting and mentoring the career paths of other women in the industry also contributes to her personal career success, as well as her role at atNorth, where the ratio of female employees has increased from under 10% to almost 30% in 3 years.

I am delighted to be recognized as a leader in the tech industry”, states Eva. ​Women are still in the minority in major tech companies and this is something that must change. By creating diverse teams, we can learn from each other’s strengths and build a stronger foundation for future success”.

At atNorth we believe a diversity of people brings a diversity of thought – which in turn inspires creativity and innovation”, she continues. ​By actively fostering teamwork and collaboration, both internally and with our valued customers and partners, we have created a tight knit dedicated company community that I am proud to be part of.”

Eva has been fundamental in shaping our growth journey at atNorth”, states Eyjólfur Magnús Kristinsson, CEO atNorth ​Our dedication to the greater good extends beyond sustainable infrastructure and the natural environment – we also promote diversity, personal growth and collaboration across our entire business and are delighted that Eva has been acknowledged for her pivotal role”.

Originally published on 5 March by atNorth.

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